16 Kasım 2017 Perşembe

Farmville 2 Free Fertilizer Pack,

Fertilizer can be applied to Seeds and Trees to give one extra product at harvest.

Fertilizing a Seed or Tree grants Xp 1 XP.

Animals may give fertilizer when fed and for each animal feed the Fertilizer Bin gains one point which can be harvested for 12 fertilizer when 40 points have been gathered.

We want to gift you with some Fertilizer Links, remembers that these links come from other Accounts and not are Zynga Rewards so only faster users can get them.

NOTE: There is daily gift limit from zynga.You can accept 30 gifts in 12 hour. After 12 hours this limit will be renew automatically. Also check your inventory space before claiming anything.

Click below image to get FREE Fertilizer

             Click on the images below to obtain them!

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