17 Kasım 2017 Cuma

Fv 2 Free Speed Grow and Super Pack

Speed-Grow Speed-Grow instantly finishes growth time of a crop or a tree so you don't have to wait for hours to harvest them. To instantly ready a grove for harvesting requires up to 4 Speed-Grow.

By using Speed-Grow, you can get crops to a higher mastery level more quickly. Note that certain crops (usually fast crops like Radish or Rye) require over 4,000 seeds to be harvested before you are granted a blue, or even a red ribbon.

How do you get it? You can loot 1 Speed-Grow while gathering Fertilizer from a Fertilizer Bin. The chance to get one this way is 25%.
Some quests grant you Speed-Grow.
Like all consumables, you can also buy Speed Grow for Farm Bucks Farm Bucks. Prices for each pack is shown below:
Speed-Grow Speed-Grow    
Speedgrow12 Pack
Farm Bucks 3 Farm Bucks

Speedgrow110 Pack
Farm Bucks 10 Farm Bucks

Speedgrow225 Pack
Farm Bucks 20 Farm Bucks

Speedgrow240 Pack
Farm Bucks 30 Farm Bucks

Speedgrow250 Pack
Farm Bucks 35 Farm Bucks

Speedgrow2100 Pack
Farm Bucks 60 Farm Bucks

Speed-grow Bank?
Farm Bucks 50 Farm Bucks

Super FeedSuper Feed, sometimes called "Speed Feed," instantly re-feeds your animal so the player does not have to wait to feed them again. Using one Super Feed instantly feeds the animal the equivalent of three times, and the player will obtain three times the animal products instantly. No normal feed is used. This can also be used as a method to Prize an animal quickly.
How To Obtain Superfeed

Super Feed menu, which pops up after you use the Feed Mill.
After a certain level, the Feed Mill will be upgraded to produce Super Feed from Feed Feed that the player already has on hand:
1 Super Feed = 80 Feed Feed
3 Super Feed = 240 Feed Feed
5 Super Feed = 400 Feed Feed
After making Super Feed from the Feed Mill, the player must wait for 24 hours to do it again.
Whenever the player receives a ribbon for any kind of animal, Marie will show up and reward them with Super Feed. The higher the ribbon, the more Super Feed she will reward players with.
Some quests give Super Feed as a reward.
Players can buy Speed Feed directly by using Farm Bucks Farm Bucks.

We want to gift you with some Speed Grow and Super Feed  Links, remembers that these links come from other Accounts and not are Zynga Rewards so only faster users can get them.

             Click on the images below to obtain them!

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